Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Flash CS3 CS4 Auto format Bug

Most of you guys would have come across a serious bug in Adobe Flash CS3 and CS4 during the autoformat. The bug is it removes all the parenthesis or round brackets when u press Ctrl + shift + F. Its a serious bug for a software like Flash in which mathematical and logical calculations plays an important role most of the forums let with no answer how ever in one forum which directed me to a weird idea but it worked make sure you have more than one fla file when u format the Class file. Strange but it works. I am really amazed how adobe dint noticed or not given much importance for this in their CS4 when the bug already exist in CS3. The most sarcastic was senocular's advice to manual formatting that was the biggest joke he would have made because 90% of developers are used to press ctrl+shift+f for auto align as well as for a compile check and then they save. Poor guy..

Search tags:-

flash cs3 cs4 parenthesis Missing
actionscript 3 parenthesis invisible after auto format
round bracket missing autoformat
auto format bug cs3 flash
auto format bug AS3 flash
auto format bug cs4 flash

1 comment:

  1. Strangely, but the bug with flash autoformat removing parentheses gets fixed with having more than 2 FLAs open. Thank you very much!

    - Yan
